Private Training

Dog Training, Paducah, KY

We have several options to choose from regarding training services! We will start training as early as, 12 weeks of age as long as the dog has had at least 3 puppy boosters. All of our training services begins with obedience on leash. We work on heel, sit, stay, down, recall (where they come to you), and place training at different distances. Once everything is proficient on leash, we transition to off leash training. Regarding behavioral modifications, we work with you and your pet to stop jumping, eliminate nipping and biting, and discuss the best solutions for your dog to be a top notch dog! We also discuss the best housing methods for your dog at home, proper nutrition and exercise needed!

We offer a 30 minute private class, once a week. This class time is very beneficial for your younger dogs that are in need of basic obedience and minimal behavior modifications!

We offer a 1 hour, once a week class for the more advanced dogs. The more advanced dogs are in the gun dog/retriever training program or dogs that are being specialized!

Lastly, we offer in house training. This program can be applied for any stage of training from basic obedience, specialty training, and our gun dog/retriever program. We also work with your dog on potty training while they are with us, as well as, socialization with other people and dogs.

We offer a certification for those who choose for a Canine Good Citizen certificate. We also have two Canine Good Citizen Evaluators, Rebecca and Whitney.

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Requirements for all services include:

  • Rabies for 6 months and older to have been given within the last year. Must be administered by a vet.
  • Bordetella for Kennel Cough within the last 6 MONTHS. If not, we can administer this.
  • Da2PPv within the last year. We can administer this as well.
  • ***For puppies, we require a minimum of 2 puppy boosters and Bordetella.
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